January 2020 -Month of Creativity

So I am pumped. Pumped to create all kinds of things in 2020. I have so many ideas floating around in my head that I have officially declared this month - January 2020- my month of creativity,

Here is what I have been up to only 7 days into the month.

I had this idea to play with collage works only. I think that some of my best pieces have come from collage where I just let the cut-outs tell me what I am creating.

I used an inexpensive 5 x 7 journal which grew to be very “thick”:


Being an inexpensive journal I realized early on, that the pages only took well to dry material.

So I added to my challenge: what can I create using only: a) an inexpensive journal, b) a glue stick and c) a stash of magazines?


I went through all of my magazines* and looked for the most colorful pages - that was my criteria - was there color? and could I use the color and shapes to create something new in my collages.?


As I went on, the collages became more and more complex. I became obsessed with creating these flowers from cut-outs of multicolored magazine pages. The more color, texture there was on the magazine page, the better these collages turned out. I cut out swirls, petals, random slits … and they became flowers.


And then they became leaves … from the prettiest greens in magazine pages.


And then they became “abstract landscapes” - just from bits and pieces!


and black and white faces from magazine “eyes” …


My most challenging, Trying to find just black and white images from magazine pages and making them make sense in a paper collage.


More florals and leaves, each intricately cut out from a range of pages.


Random rows of color and butterflies …


And faces, from bits and pieces of leftover paper.

And this is just the beginning! I have so many ideas for 2020 and I will will be creating new on-line classes for each of these ideas.

Stay tuned and/or let me know which subjects you are interested in: collage, mixed media, watercolor etc. I look forward to your comments.

Sending you good creative energy your way for 2020.


Full Disclosure:

All of the bits and pieces used in these collages are from: Stampington Publications, UpperCase Magazine and Flow Magazine. I have stacks and stacks of magazine form these three publishers so making a collage journal gave me the opportunity to go through my stash since I have issues from each of these magazines dating back as far as 2008.

If you see your art in any of my “strips” in these collages you have probably been published in any of the magazines listed above. Rest assured that I am using these pages for my personal use only and these collages will not be sold.


DIY: Before and After Powder Room Update for less than $450.00


Happy Holidays to you