I’m not going to lie, every day is an effort to break out those paints and journals to break the routine.

I did not realize it had been so long since I had posted here on my blog.

With covid, days turn into nights and nights turn into the the next days. I never actually know what day it is anymore Are you feeling the same way?

I am filling my days with work and trying to make sure I do something creative every day - if for no other reason than to break the routine.

Everyday/night after my online work I know it would be so easy to just take a rest and turn on Netflix. But I also know if I do that - that days will turn into nights and those nights will turn into days once again. I know I need to break that routine in order to save my sanity.

I have art. I have something that stirs inside of me that makes me want to do something else.

But I’m not going to lie, every day is an effort to break out those paints and journals to break the routine. Every day I have to force myself to do something different.

But when I do, I wake up the next morning thinking, ahh it was a different day yesterday - I changed the routine and so I can get on despite the restrictions of covid still being the same here in Canada, i.e curfew, no restaurants, no traveling, etc etc.

As trivial as it sounds, the instagram 100 day challenge to create everyday that I have been participating in has been a godsend. It has helped to keep me motivated/sane to turn to something in every day, for 100 days.

So I am posting this video, hoping it inspires you to hang in there too.

It’s a rough, uncut video but I thought it was still worth sharing. The video is about 30 days into this 100 day challenge.

I hope to assemble the entire 100 day project in the next month or so. We are now at about day 85 so I still have lots to share of my work in a video.

I am so proud of what this challenge has inspired me to do and I hope you can pull out your paints, your pencils your journals too- if for no other reason than to break that routine.

Tell me how you are using creativity to get through the routine.



Why I closed my etsy shop, and stopped using no more than 2 social media platforms


Who doesn't love a good journal flip through