Lots of yummy goodness ...

I hope you’ve had a chance to stop by the shop - lots of new yummy goodness …


I had a request from a lovely repeat customer who asked for the same TN style journal I have been making but in an A6 size - and so of course, I got busy.


And they each have sweet little envelopes at the back to add your journal ephemera. (I’ve already filled them for you to get you started ; ))

While I was at it I decided it was time to make more of the larger versions (6 x 9) of these as well. Each one is like making a new collage and so I am always up for making more. I also should say, I have been using them myself so they have been disappearing from the shop!

This blue one is one on the right is one of my favorites! Oh but I also love the inside of this other one below!

Well there are a few more to choose from so do take a look in the shop.

Lots of yummy goodness right here !

Let me know what you think


They were fun to make and of course I could not just make one - so I made a bunch. This is just a sneak peak but you can see them all right here.

They are as lovely inside as they are outside and they all use the same elastic concept to add pages. I’ve included some nice vintage-y looking paper inside like this


Living your best life …


I came back with tons of creative inspiration.