My tag line: Why and How I chose it

If you have not already deciphered it, my tag line is right below my website name and it reads: Art All The Time.

It seems when you start a blog or a website, a tag line is very important. A tag line is meant to describe, or give an indication of what your website is about. It is meant to entice people to click on the link.

So when I created my new website, I thought I better follow the rules (blah blah blah) and I created the tag line: Art All the Time.

But I am being coy, because despite my reference to “do’s and don’ts when creating a website, I understood that a tag line was an important element of my brand. Not only was it an important element in getting noticed online, it was an important element for me in understanding why I even had a website.

I have had an online website since 2008. Not this one but another version. As I updated my site to a new and fancier platform I did ask myself: Why am I doing this? What am I trying to say? What am I trying to share, and to communicate? Why was I really doing this? The “tag line” all of sudden had more meaning, Not just for the sake of exposure, but for me in that it made me question what I was really trying to do.

Source: Pinterest

Source: Pinterest

In my previous blog (2008) , I didn’t specifically have a tag line. I didn’t really think through what I was about to say to you all. I was a newbie in blogging and I wanted to share my artwork and I was trying to share my idea that I truly believed that everyone is capable of being creative. I shared my artwork and my online classes and I so wanted everyone to get in on the game and share the joy I was experiencing in creating. I still feel that way 11 years later and I still want us all to explore and be creative and I still believe we all have it in us.

What is different now however, is that I realized my ideas were so much bigger than that. I knew I felt limited in my previous journal posts on my other blog, I just couldn’t figure out why.

Art, for me was, and is so much bigger. It’s about all things beautiful. For me the words art and beauty are synonymous. Their definition. to me is- anything that touches you, moves you, inspires you, gives you purpose, makes you believe, gives you joy, gives you hope and belief that there is more in our every day lives.

I know -that’s big isn’t it? But that’s okay because now, with my new website, I want to go big. I want to go big because I have a lot to say. I want to go big because I have a lot to give. I want to go big because I want communicate. I want to go big because I want to connect with all of you who feel the same way as I do.

Let’s go big. Let’s share and communicate and believe that our lives truly do offer: Art All the Time.

It’s a simple tag line that can, if we let it encompass so much more. Let me know your thoughts on this. It’s all about connecting and I want to hear about how you feel about art and beauty and both.



Loving the process


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