Too much to say/share - but worth it!


You may have noticed (or maybe not : ) that I updated (long overdue) a few new things on my website.

First up I added two new menu items: Portfolio and Press. I had always wanted to include these and finally got around to it. I think it helps to make what I do a lot more rounded in terms of reach and scope. Go click on those new tabs - Portfolio and Press at the top of my website page just for fun.

I also changed the name of the tab on my website from SHARING, to call it what it really is - BLOG - probably initially reacting to the fact that no one was blogging anymore (SHARING) to the fact that I think blogging is coming back, now called BLOG as it should have, and now is called. As you know this is my first love and continues to be important to me. See these articles here: is blogging dead and here and there is a whole lot more on the internet and even on instagram threads.

And importantly - I also changed my tag line to - Crazy about Paper - more descriptive and maybe just more fun than my previous tagline!!


Way too many things going on over here. I don’t usually post anything really personal on my blog but I wanted to tell you that I have sold my house, my boyfriend sold his and we bought this beautiful house together and we will be moving in at the end of August. Super excited for this farmhouse style house. I intend to post a lot about decorating this gem - I haven’t done that in the past but no surprise - in addition to making art - I LOVE interior design and if I do say so myself I have a bit of a knack for it so stay tuned for more posts on how I am decorating this house!

Here’s the new house!



And now for some “marketing” - I have a lot of new items in my SHOP. If you have not checked that out lately please do. You guys, readers of my blog, are my “real” customers. Sure I post on instagram and blah blah blah other social media sites but my followers there are not my besties. You guys are - the ones that have been with me since the beginning and I know that from your reaction and comments on this blog post here.

Here is the latest new journal I listed:



While scouring the internet for new ideas for my new home I came across so many things that inspired ideas for my sketchbook. I am not sure whether any of this will hang in my new house (but maybe) but that doesn’t matter because these pages have been so much fun to create. And because I know how much you guys love pictures based on this post I am showing all of these below not yet even posted on instagram so you get the first look (but do please do go on my instagram and follow me to help me increase my followers just because I have to play that game : ).

I know I know they are a lot - but let me explain how I created these.

I started with a pen and ruler and created random squares. I then started drawing in each of the squares without too much thought. I then used markers to create some color.

I then starting using washi tape and rubons on these squares for more fun. This helped to inspire what I would draw in subsequent squares. In the picture below I am trying to show you which squares or bits are washi or rubons by pointing to them with the white arrows.

I plan to do a video on instagram to show how I made these pieces. They were so enjoyable and really something everyone can do - why don’t you give it a try and share your results with me.



As part of my new blog post I wanted to add some interesting reading I’ve done lately or some interesting posts I’ve come across.

You know how much I love hearing from you - leave a comment about anything you liked about this or any posts, my shop, or things you would like to see here.

PS. New signature too with kisses and hugs to you to thank you for continuing to follow me here@


Fine is not good enough - 2025


Two pieces of exciting news for you …