8 reasons to support small businesses

Strange times we are living in for sure but I thought I would give you a little eye candy in case you feel like doing a little window shopping (or even real shopping) to support little shops that are trying to make their way these days.

I have always purchased everything I can on etsy - whether it is art supplies or unique gifts. When you look at the work, you know these pieces, whatever they are, are made with a lot of care and love - no big box store items here.

So if you are looking for something to browse today on the internet (and I hope you are not spending too much time here) here are a few links of some of my favorite shops on etsy.

You can click on the shop names to go directly to their sites.

In the spirit of “shopping local” I have tried to list Canadian shops but there is so much beauty out there I have varied the links.

I have followed this artist for over 10 years and purchased her handmade miniature dresses as well as her cards - just to have pictures of her work.

Look at the detail in this piece. Check her out for her cards or her pieces. I’m not sure if she has a website, but you can tell that her work is just a labor of love.

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2. Homestead Treasures

If you like vintage ribbon and lace you will not be able to get enough of it here!

I have purchased many yards from this seller over the years. Everything is beautifully delivered and packacked.

If you are looking for unique ribbon - go here.


3. SarahSnippets

Beyond collage or paper cutting


You can only imagine that this is surely a labor of love. These are really works of art I think! I need not say more


Beautiful jewelry, and from Quebec (local)

Really different kind of jewelry and for us Canadians, great to see these home made beautiful pieces.


5. BlueBellGray

Who doesn’t know BlueBellGray - I love everything they do and they do a lot = bedding, art, cushions, and did you know they have washi tape…


6. Isntitlovely

Another Canadian you need to know about. Beautiful handmade jewelry.
I happen to know this artist personally - you could not get better care in a hand made piece. This is only one of my favorite pieces. Visit her!


7. General Beads

Do you love sequins and beads - these are unique. Sequins are everywhere on etsy but if you want unique sequins check out this shop.


8 GluePaperScissor

How fun is this shop. I want one


Do yourself a favor - do these artists a favor - go and have a look - and if you like it - buy it. It makes a better world for hand made makers - and you! ; )



I may never wear pants again!


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