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What makes this type of art making so obsessive…

Warning - this is a long post - it is filled with videos and photos - let me know if you read till the end by leaving a comment ; )

I have been super prolific these last few weeks, experimenting with all kinds of ideas in random sketchbooks…
- prolific = adjective
producing in large quantities or with great frequency; highly productive:

It has not all been “good art” but I have certainly been productive.

In fact, it has been an obsessive production of art. It started when I began randomly sketching shapes and figures on the page and later, adding color, and other random shapes and forms without much thought to it. I mindlessly created page after page with so much enjoyment that I could not stop.

I tried to name what made this type of art making so obsessive and what brought me to the page in a frenzy of a need to keep drawing.

I started googling around and trying to find a name for this type of art making and found, rather quickly, that I had not discovered anything new, but instead that this was a rather “known” and now popular form of drawing called “slow drawing”, “meditative drawing” “neurographic drawing” “automatic drawing” and various other terms. The best way I found to describe this need was from one of the best videos I found on the subject here by Tim Gula: where he explains this type of automatic drawing. One of the things he says is that drawing is like “an itch” and you just need to just keep doing it - and that’s exactly how I felt.

I made this process video of doing automatic art:

This slow type of drawing somehow freed me to do other things that felt so true to the type of art I really want to do without having to explain it- and as part of my true nature in art - I had to add color:

I filled page after page of mostly hand made journals, ledger books and more with these random drawings …

I used ledger books that I had held on to for a long time and prepared them by gluing down paper bag papers, watercolor paper and any other type of paper I could find since I found the ledger paper was too thin for wet media - but it also gave me the chance to work on different types of papers.

You can see how I prepared the pages here - -most still a wip (work in progress) ..

Can you tell how much fun I had creating these pages - let me know what you think. And if you have not done “automatic drawing” give it a try it will give you tons of joy@