No mani no pedi this month

February is my month for running away. My skin is pale, my weight is high, my motivation is low. It is not a good time of year for me.

I am not sure what to attribute it to - lack of sunshine, lack of summer … I always feel at my worst at this time. Can you relate?

At this time of year I let the manicures, pedicures, facials, haircuts go . I wait til March.

So instead I agree to myself to try, and use this time to regroup. January was my month of Creativity - and I did create non-stop. I try and use February to take stock and see where I want to be.

I try to keep myself busy. I try and make it productive despite the doldrums.

So I asked myself - What do I want to accomplish this month? Because as a high anxiety, over achiever - every month has to have value! Already in this February month this is making me tired. But I am taking stock - thinking about how I want to move forward.

And there is only one answer. I need you there with me. Here is what I am thinking about moving forward:

  • greeting cards with images of my girls

  • Large prints of my original collages

  • Originals of my collages

  • New online classes with a new edge.

There is a lot of work involved in all of the above but I am there. Let me know what you would like to see more of in my product offerings. I love sharing my work, and I hope you love seeing it, owning it, and enjoying. Let me know what you imagine. I would love to hear from you. How is February for you. Leave a comment below.


7 more ways (to add to the original 7) to use paper for great collage


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