Call to Artists: Handmakers - sign up

I am creating a new series where I share the work of other creative artists - artists that make me go WOW - artists that make me want to run to my studio and start making - artists that inspire me.

As a fellow artist I know how lonely it can be working in isolation and while you can argue this is just the nature of being an artist I still believe: we all need support, we all need encouragement, we all need feedback and we all need exposure!

I also really believe, as artists, we need to support each each other.

And so that’s why I want to create this series. I like to call this the “Handmaker” Series instead of the “Artists Series” because I like that term better because I think it has a much wider reach.

Artists are “handmakers” of canvas, wood, stone, jewels, fabric, paper, wire, metal, plastic, thread, wool, clothes, homes, gardens, - you get the idea.

We all know the artists that are already “known”. Those that appear over and over on every social media page, those that market so successfully, and those that are SO successful. I am very happy for all of those artists and they have been my go-to for many years.

But I am looking for those lesser known artists. Those that I know inspire me but I am not sure everyone knows about. If this is you, I would love to feature you here on my site.

I also want to send a special shout out to Canadian and more specifically Montreal Artists. In the last year I have attended many local markets, including the Montreal Etsy Marketplace where I have drooled over, handled, touched and purchased many of your creations - I would love to hear from you to feature you here on my site. Please contact me as indicated below.

I will start my series, until I hear from you, with artists that inspire me now. In some cases these may be artists you are already familiar with, but they are new to me. In any case, the point of the series is to inspire you! As I said at the outset, the point is to feature artists with work that makes you go WOW, artists that inspire you to run to your studio and start making.

So I throw this out to you:

If you would like to be featured on my site:

  1. Send me an email at

  2. Tell me a little about yourself (are you making art full time, how long have you been creating, where/how do you expose your work. do you have a website)

  3. Send 5-6 photos of your work

  4. Tell me why you would like to be featured on my site

  5. Anything else you would like to tell me about your art or yourself

  6. Tell me if you would you be open to responding to “interview” questions about your work and yourself

Know someone you think should be featured?

  1. Send me their name

  2. Send me a link to their website or anywhere I can see their work

  3. Tell me why you think they should be featured (how did they inspire you)

I hope you will participate with me in this series. Not only do I hope to share inspiration with you but I hope you will engage and share your inspirations with me.



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