Immersed in new things, does creativity get lost?

How are you all? I feel I have been absent for a while and I miss you guys. I have also been absent from art making., I would say from June until just recently. Life gets in the way - new jobs get in the way - too much gets in the way.

Immersed in a new job, creativity gets lost. I wish it was not that way. I wish my “day” job induced enough creativity in one form or another to inspire me to create. But alas, while I love my new job, it does not induce creative inspiration - nor does it allow for the time to be creative.

What is inspirational is the new company I am working for. I am here, based in Montreal, and the company I am working for is in Australia - true global reality nowadays!. It’s one of the positives of Covid although this reality would have happened, probably with or without Covid.

The company I am working for is a truly global company. They have no limits to where they see work happening. They just don’t see those geographical blocks. They are also a very open and truly empowering company. There are no limits, no boundaries to what they see happening. It is just a bunch of people working together towards a common goal. I admire them. I am proud to work for them. In all of my long career in project management, I have to say this is the “healthiest” company I have worked for. They understand values, people, and the strength in common goals. I’m just happy to be there.

But I digress, I wanted to just show photos in this post. I wanted to show you photos of what I have been doing to convince you that when you have that”bug” to create it happens no matter what else is going on in your life. These are not major works of art - these are pages from my journal. But the power these page have to calm me, to focus me in one mind, to let me relax, are more powerful than anything I have as “calming” therapy. Without this, I am a mess - lol.

I used a handmade journal that, for me, was not up to snuff to include in my shop, but was still a delight to use.

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I went back to my first love - copics - nothing replicates this color.


Okay so copics, and some collage work.


This journal was hand bound with watercolor paper so it really stood up well to the glue, paper and copics.

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What I included in this journal was so random. I love just going with the process - sometimes just testing out new fine point pens, sometimes testing watercolor pens ….

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There is no better therapy for me. These are not works of art and as I’ve said, it doesn’t matter. Doing this soothes my soul like nothing else. Get inspired no matter how busy you are. Buy a new journal, get some new pens, get some new colors, whatever it takes to inspire you .



What makes the difference?


This is Abby…