What makes the difference?

I often wonder what makes the difference between one artist’s work and another. Why does one artists’ work sell and not another?


I should specify that what I really mean is - what makes one “online”artist sell and not another. I’m specifying that because that is the market I am in. I don’t show in galleries, I am not in retail stores -it is just you and me. ? Do you know what makes people buy one online artists work over another’s?

I admire and follow tons of artists on-line and I question myself too. What makes me buy one artists work and not another. I think it is all about your gut! Just that gut feeling - something moves you - speaks to you - says I have to have it!


I will be the first to admit that my art is not essential in your life. But you know what, small, simple, affordable art pieces in my life give me a lot more joy on a daily basis.

Not only is the art world a mystery, but the online art world with all of its possibilities makes it even more of a mystery. There is so much out there.

I still don’t understand what works and what doesn’t work in the online world - even after being here for over 12 years.


What makes it all worthwhile is that once in a while I get a comment here on my blog, from someone who has followed me since 2008. You know who you are and I thank you so much for still being around.


I have been creating so many beautiful things in the last year - you have to go have a look.

I only create things that I would want to have myself. And that may not be a mass market. I want my customers to be those who never would ask - - what do I do with it - they just know. And this has been all of you over the years.


If you haven’t visited my shop in a while, I invite you to do so. There are so many beautiful items- they will just make you feel good, they will speak to your gut.

And only because you have read this far - for the next 7 days only - take 25% off anything you buy in my shop by entering the code IAMWITHYOU at checkout. But don’t tell anyone ; )



Only a few days left for 25% off


Immersed in new things, does creativity get lost?