Illustrations galore...the possibilities are endless

You may remember this post from August of last year where I talked about my cousin-in-law Tony (is that an actual family member -cousin in law? not sure but you’ll understand if you read that post.)

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So last year I embarked on a project with Tony to illustrate his latest book. The illustrations were in watercolor and were filled with a darling little girl - Abby - Tony’s granddaughter.

Well since then, I have been obsessed with drawing these little girls and now some older.


I am amazed that with every tiny pencil stroke how you can convey different impressions. Every line change from left to right or right to left changes their expression, their thoughts, their moods.

I need to work on the detail but the idea of this one was that this little darling girl is not happy that she received the same outfit she has on as a gift.

I have to tell you that also posting these here has distorted the color quite a bit. You can see that this is watercolor paper and it is deeply textured.

I am wondering if this is the reason the colors are distorted when taking pictures.

If there are any photo gurus out there I would love to hear your recommendations


And how sweet is she and what is she thinking. She has her puppy by her side but something seems to be troubling her - what can it be?


Oh how I love each of these girls and their enthusiasm - I feel like I know them all!


Some days they paint ….


And some days they do yoga …


Some days they are just happy …


Blowing bubbles is definitely a good day


And some days are just okay but if you are wearing a great dress well then…


And some days the possibilities are just endless.


I too feel like the possibilities are endless here. I continue to draw these girls, almost obsessively so they can tell me how they are feeling. I have a few - no many book ideas from these drawings. I am thinking about subjects ranging from “What do I want to be when I grow up” to “How can I let my kids know they can be anything they want to be”. I get so excited thinking about all the possibilities - the drawings inspire me, the colors make me sing and the ideas for what this could lead to, I think, are endless.

Don’t you feel the joy and possibilities from these girls like I do?

I love hearing your thoughts and feelings on this … leave me a comment, it is so appreciated!


Relax, get a coffee or tea, and enjoy a few creative videos


100 day project - what am I doing and why?